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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Hari makin berganti dan semua software telah mengalami update begitu cepat, seperti halnya dengan web browser. Web Browser kini mengalami perubahan yang sangat signifikan mengikuti perubahan zaman. Firefox yang dari versi 3.6.x lalu menjadi versi 4 dan sekarang menjadi versi 5. Google Chrome yang terus mengupdate versi betanya. Tak kalah juga dengan Internet Explorer yang telah mencapi versi ke 9. Opera dan safari pun juga demikian. Mungkin semuanya akan terus dan terus saling memperbaki web browser mereka untuk terus lebih dikembangkan.

Untuk lebih jelasnya cekidot...

Firefox 5.0

  • User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
  • Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
  • Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
  • Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons. 

Opera 11.50

  • Speed Dial: Your favorite sites are just one click away at all times.
  • Search Shortcuts: Faster search - type your queries directly into the address bar.
  • Trash Can: Instantly reopen recently closed tabs.
  • Mouse Gestures: With Opera you can navigate the Web with your mouse.
  • Opera Link: Synchronize data of your choice online, or among different computers and devices.
  • Quick Find: Opera remembers not only the titles and addresses, but also the actual content of the Web pages you visit.
  • Feed Preview: Preview a Feed by clicking on the feed icon, and you will see it in clean and efficient multiple-column layout.
  • Quick and customizable Web search: Get quick access to Google, eBay, Amazon and more with the search field in the upper right corner.

 Safari 5.0.5

  • More browsing space: Safari is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there's no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You'll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web.
  • Find the sites you need: Looking for a site you visited in the past but can't quite remember? Use Full History Search to quickly find sites using even the sketchiest search terms. And when you click a web page in Cover Flow, it's because you've already recognized it as the site you were looking for. No more guessing. Innovative features like these show you how good browsing can be.
  • Satisfy your need for speed: The world's fastest browser, Safari has speed to burn. Why should you wait for pages to load? You want to see those search results, get the latest news, check current stock prices, right now.


Google Chrome 14.0.803.0 Beta  

One box for everything
Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.
Thumbnails of your top sites
Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Incognito mode
Don't want pages you visit to show up in your web history? Choose incognito mode for private browsing.
Safe browsing
Google Chrome warns you if you're about to visit a suspected phishing, malware or otherwise unsafe website.

Internet Explorer 9.0 Vista

  • Accelerators - which allow supported web applications to be invoked without explicitly navigating to them.
  • WebSlices - which allows portions of page to be subscribed to and monitored from a redesigned Favorites Bar.
  • InPrivate privacy features.
  • SmartScreen phishing filter.

Untuk mendownloadnya silahkan klik link dibawah ini.
Firefox 5.0
Opera 11.50
Safari 5.0.5 
Google Chrome 14.0.803.0 Beta 
Internet Explorer 9.0 Vista


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Muhammad Anshori
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